Animation Library
Please note that these animations are protected by Copyright and may not be distributed without express written consent of the artist; they are not "public domain" and you may not post them anywhere. Thank you.
Some animations require QuickTime for playback. Click this button to get the free software, for either Mac or Windows.
Ignition animation -- 1mb Quicktime

This high-quality Quicktime animation is a closeup look at the spark plug ignition events.
2x3 Working Chamber animation -- 1mb Quicktime

This high-quality Quicktime animation shows the working chambers of both rotors with three chambers each.
Chamber-Centric -- 848K GIF

This animation illustrates the volume of the working chamber as it progresses though a full cycle, but with the rotation nullified.
Cycloidal Gearing -- 498K and 399K GIFs
These two animations illustrated cycloidal gearing. The first shows a typical application, while the second shows the rotary engine application, with one gear fixed.
Working Chamber Volume animation -- 880K GIF
This animation illustrates the volume of the working chamber as it progresses though a full cycle.
Perspective animation -- 3.5mb QuickTime
This animation illustrates the movement of the rotor in the housing, relative to the rotation of the eccentric shaft.
Front animation -- 2.6mb QuickTime
This animation illustrates the movement of the rotor in the housing, relative to the rotation of the eccentric shaft, but from a straight-on perspective.
Rotor-Centric animation -- 2.4mb QuickTime
This animation is similar to the others, except the rotor orientation is fixed, while the housing moves around.
Copyright © 2001 by Blake Qualley. All Rights Reserved.